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GrooveFunnels Plans

Nov 19, 2022

I've been using Kajabi for years. With the size of my email list, and all of the tools I use, it didn't make sense for me to switch (even though Kajabi runs expensive, at $199 a month).

A few years ago, I caught wind of a start-up that was supposedly going to be able to compete with Kajabi, and they offered a Lifetime pricing option. I took a risk, and I invested in this company with the hopes that they would REALLY be able to compete.

It took a few years, but they now have all the tools I need to be comfortable to move from Kajabi to Groove.

So what does it cost and what does it offer?

They have a couple of different pricing options.

Free Plan

The free plan is an AMAZING deal to start up with!

Just to quickly compare it to some of the other options out there- MailChimp offers 500 contacts for free, but it's super limiting. It doesn't give you a website, but you can create landing pages. However, your email marketing is super limited (as is everything else). Once your email list passes 500 contacts, you're looking at anywhere from $87 to $800+ a month, just to be able to communicate with your email list.

In order to sign up for any of the paid plans, you have to sign up for a free plan (they'll offer you the upgrades once you sign up).

Creator+ Plan

With the Creator+ upgrade, you can pay $497 for a year. This locks you into that price for life (it will never get more expensive!).

This is comparable to what I was using, with Kajabi, but it actually has SO much more.

With Kajabi, you can only host 1 website for the $199 a month price. For $42 a month, you can use GrooveFunnels and have unlimited domains, 10,000 email contacts, and 100,000 emails sent a month. Those are the differences I noticed the most.


With Pro+, you can have 60,000 contacts, unlimited emails sent out, unlimited blogs and videos. To compare to Kajabi, you can have 25,000 contacts for $199 a month (or $159 if you do the annual plan). For about half the price of Kajabi, you can get more than double the contacts.


Again, I want to compare this to Kajabi (because up until I found GrooveFunnels, Kajabi was the BEST and most affordable I could find for what it offers).

For 100,000 contacts, Kajabi costs $399 a month (or $319/month if you pay annually).

Premium+ Lifetime (BEST deal)

This is the BEST deal that I have EVER seen with anything.

You can pay $2497, and NEVER have to pay for email marketing or a website again.

But the coolest part of it get unlimited...everything. There's literally no limit on anything (with the exception of storage, there's a 100GB of video storage).

That's why when they offered this deal a few years ago (or one similar to it, it was actually for Pro Lifetime, which doesn't exist anymore), I jumped on it so fast.

I figured...if this works, and it really IS all that they say that it's going to be, it's well worth the gamble.

After upgrading to Premium+ Lifetime, I will never have to pay for any of this again.

Even if I start an entire new business, with a whole new website and email list, I'm covered.

I could run 20 different businesses off of this for the cost of one.

Why did I wait for years before I started using it?

OH TRUST ME. I wanted to jump into it a LONG time ago, but Kajabi was hosting my emails, and GrooveMail was still a work in progress. At this time, GrooveMail is up and running, so it's well worth the investment for anyone to switch.

And you know what's cool? They aren't done yet, either.

They still have a bunch more things that you'll automatically have access to once they're ready to roll out.



This is where you can create all of your website pages. They have easy-to-use templates, graphics, and easy drag and drop features.


You click a link, it asks you to sign up for their free e-book, and then BOOM. You have a free e-book in your email, or you are redirected to a link where you can download it. When you create a funnel, it's going to help you to grow your email list. Which brings me to...


This is probably my favorite part of Groove (and I waited so long for it to be active, hoping it was everything I wanted it to be).

You can build your email list and communicate with them. Send them offers, deals, tips, freebies...whatever it is that you want to communicate with your contacts. Building an email list is essential for optimal business growth.


GrooveBlog is exactly what it sounds're actually on it right now (this is a blog post on GrooveBlog!)


GrooveKart allows you to sell physical items, drop shipping, etc. You can have a store on your Groove website.


You can collect payments for digital items. Right now, you can collect payments using Stripe, PayPal,, NMI, BrainTree, Mollie, or Paystack. There is one more additional payment gateway (you do have to fill out an application and be approved for it), and that is powered by Groove. It's called GrooveSell. The payment processing fee is 2.85% + 25¢ per transaction. To compare it with Stripe, Stripe charges  2.9% + 30¢, so you're saving even more money when you use GrooveSell to collect credit card/debit card payments.


Want to create a membership site for your clients? With GrooveMember, you can. You can upload content for members only and create courses for your members to create.


This allows you to create affiliates for your products or services. For example: Maybe you have a membership program that you want to get more members in. You can offer existing members (or anyone else you want to collab with) a percentage of the revenue to refer new members to your courses.


Think of this like Vimeo. You can upload videos (you get 100MB of storage with the Premium and Pro plans), and they're hosted right on your site. No embedding or external linking needed.


Have you ever gone on a site, and these little pop ups show up and disappear in the corner that say "Jennie purchased something 6 minutes ago?" You have the ability to add this to your site, to prove to your website visitors that you have clients who are buying whatever it is you're selling.



GrooveWebinar actually already exists, but it's only for pre-recorded webinars. In the future, they will have streaming, live webinars, and meeting rooms. These will replace StreamYard, any live webinar service you use (like GoToWebinar, for example), and Zoom.

YES. Even Zoom.

As of the date I'm writing this, the only webinar option they have is pre-recorded (but that's still super cool!).


GrooveDesk is going to replace Zendesk. You want a chatbot on your site? It's coming!


This one has me super excited....This replaces Calendly! (This is probably the #2 "I'm so excited about this," second to GrooveMail, which already exists).

No more Zapier integrations (Zapier is a whole other service, which is amazing, but it costs money!)

Once GrooveCalendar is up and running, you can do it all from one site, have everything fully automated, and never have to pay for secondary services or integration services.

I'm STOKED about this one.


GrooveSurveys is going to allow you to create interactive quizzes and surveys on your site-all included!

GrooveFunnels Mapping

This is comparable to Funnelytics. Right in the same place, for no extra price, you'll be able to see the journey that your customers are generally taking, really look at your analytics with scrutiny: what landing pages work? Where do your customers drop off? What is working the best? What isn't working, or worse, doing the opposite of working? This is going to be an amazing tool that will show you what you need to do to make your conversions even better.


GroovePipe is going to replace Pipedrive. This is a tool that you can use to automate and track your pipelines.

Sign Up For Free Groove Account Here

Are you already using Groove? What do you think?